Our import business relies mainly on scientific and educational institutions. It provides research equipment and consumables for Academy of Sciences institutes and universities in the Shanghai region. Through 30 years of experience and growth, SHE TMlL has built long standing relationships with high-tech enterprises in East China (e.g.. biosynthesis, clinical diagnostics, environmental protection) as well as with numerous foreign companies .Our company is one of the leading importers of research and medical equipment in the country.
2007-2009 annual foreign trade, including imports and exports, exceeded $100,0O0,0OO USD.
1. lmport business in high-tech field (e.g. biological and chemical reagents, equipment and supplies).
2. Maintenance of foreign equipment and bonded warehouse business.
Major Customers.
1. Institutes afiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).
2. National and local key universities.
3. Domestic high-tech enterprises and foreign instrument and equipment manufacturers.